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The method to solve the dent of injection molded parts from the process

The method to solve the dent of injection molded parts from the process
1. Increase the injection pressure, hold the pressure and prolong the injection time.
For plastics with high fluidity, high pressure will cause flashes to cause collapse pits. The temperature of the material should be appropriately lowered, and the temperature of the front section of the barrel and the nozzle should be lowered to reduce the volume change of the molten material entering the cavity, which is easy to freeze. For high-viscosity plastics, it should be Increase the barrel temperature to make mold filling easier. The dwell time should be extended when shrinkage occurs in the gate area.
2. Increasing the injection speed can more easily fill the part and eliminate most of the shrinkage.
3. For thin-walled parts, the mold temperature should be increased to ensure smooth material flow; for thick-walled parts, the mold temperature should be reduced to accelerate the curing and shaping of the skin.
4. Extending the cooling time of the part in the mold, maintaining a uniform production cycle, increasing the back pressure, and retaining a certain buffer at the front of the screw are all beneficial to reduce shrinkage.
5. Low-precision products should be released from the mold as soon as possible to cool them slowly in air or hot water, which can make the shrinkage and depression smooth without affecting the use.